Vater: Dominik Burcoon (black mc tabby white) |
Mutter: Mainefield´s Bambola (black silver torbie) |
Int.Ch. Dominik z Larku (blue smoke) |
Int.Ch. Janitta Atte Ros (black tortie) |
Mainefield´s Camelot (red silver cl. tabby) |
Langstteich´s Havanna (back cl. torbie) |
Eur.Ch. B. Woody Axis Star Ch. Alexis Lady z Larku |
Int.Ch. Calipso of GentleLions Ch. Bonny M. of GentleLions |
Top Coon Caruso Silvi Cola Galadriela |
Langstteich´s Eldorado Langstteich's Highlight |
Vater: CH White Rock´s Oliver Twist (blue smoke) |
Mutter: All Roads lead to Maine´s (blue) |
Lachtetals Blueberry (blue smoke) |
Catnoox Smoky India (black smoke) |
World CH All R. lead to M. Donovan ShagMino (blue) |
Dolly Pepper of Captain Jenk´s (black tortie) |
Top Gun de Sulena de Tengri`Nor Bearnice von Thie-Cats |
Theilund´s Call Me Cody Wild Bumble Bee Pee Wee |
GR INT CH Americ Tycoon´s B´Tryn Lonely
INT CH All Roads lead to Maine´s Amber Ebony |
INT CH Charmeur´s Tabasco CH Paulina of Big Balou |